Getting back in to the studio after Christmas has been refreshing! By looking back at my photos taken for the blog I noticed I hadn't written about my new piece from before Christmas,
Growth and Process (Retro Trip 2). The piece uses etching, linoprint, chine-colle and hand-colouring.
Another piece I created before Christmas was a large piece featuring 3 of my new plates. The piece was so large it went across 2 drying boards and unfortunately, due to this, and working in the shared environment that is the print studio (even though I love it!) the print got damaged. Yesterday I re-soaked, blotted and put the print back in the drying boards in hope to straighten the paper out. With any luck this attempt will work as I wish to introduce some hand colouring to this piece so stay tuned to see if my mission is successful!
The print re-soaked waiting to be blotted |
The print on the drying boards |
Detail |
During the vacation I have been stitching in to one of my triptych prints and have used colours inspired by the countryside and highlands of my home country, Scotland. I think this has influenced the colours I have used in my new print,
Growth and Process (Greens and Golds). When creating this print I experimented with using a touch of colour in the black ink just to lift it a little and give it a sense of life. A fellow student recommended this for me to try but I have never managed to get the ratio of the inks correct; I have always either put in too little colour, resulting in the colour being over powered by the black, or too much colour, resulting in... well, not the result I intended! Here are some photos of the inked up plates ready to be placed on the bed for the chine-colle pieces to be added.
Detail of inked up plate with areas cleaned out to create monoprint |
Here is the final print, hot off the press and ready to go in the drying boards.